Its Not You, Its Me.

Its time for the Erstwhile Intruder to take a break; time for this old bear to retreat to a snowy den to hibernate for the rest of the winter. Except it will be the exact opposite of that. Replace "snowy den" with "sunny beach," and "hibernate" with "enjoy a sunny beach," and you've got a more clear picture.

But fear not listless listeners! There is a truckload of bonus material that will find its way to the website in a gradual "trickle down" like system. I will add and update just as often as I can, breathing continuous life into the EIRProject.  It will be just like old times!

A new poll to keep you satisfied! Vote early and vote often. Also, keep your eye on the Ever-Changing Picture, as it has a tendancy to change... every once in a while.

Post comments or you can say hi to the Erstwhile Intruder at

--Erstwhileus Intruderus Esquire 2007-03-03

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Once Again It's the Indelible

Here we have another sampling of the lost tape archive, this being the second installment of the Bring the Pain Trilogy. Soon I will be revamping the whole site and making way for lots of new things. exciting things. hungry things. In the meantime enjoy this. now.


Here: the magic of the flash stream, wheeeee!