Its Not You, Its Me.

Its time for the Erstwhile Intruder to take a break; time for this old bear to retreat to a snowy den to hibernate for the rest of the winter. Except it will be the exact opposite of that. Replace "snowy den" with "sunny beach," and "hibernate" with "enjoy a sunny beach," and you've got a more clear picture.

But fear not listless listeners! There is a truckload of bonus material that will find its way to the website in a gradual "trickle down" like system. I will add and update just as often as I can, breathing continuous life into the EIRProject.  It will be just like old times!

A new poll to keep you satisfied! Vote early and vote often. Also, keep your eye on the Ever-Changing Picture, as it has a tendancy to change... every once in a while.

Post comments or you can say hi to the Erstwhile Intruder at

--Erstwhileus Intruderus Esquire 2007-03-03

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Erstwhile Intruder Radio Program 02 is here!

After three hours trying to figure this out at work and not getting paid, I finally arrived upon a solution to my problems. Some of them anyway. So here we are with the second installment of the Erstwhile Intruder Radio Program. EIRP for short.

Right now my biggest problem is, I can't transfer the original 30 minute WAV from my work computer to my home computer. If anyone has an FTP site they'd let me use, that would be fantastic. The original WAV is something like 300MB. Also the work computer has a crappy MP3 encoder, so unfortunately the first program is encoded in 96kbps. If I could get the WAV home, I could incode it to any bitrate you fancy. Also, I am aware of the confusing implications of naming the first recorded program, "Program 02," but it will make more sense when you hear the intended "Program 01"

Download VBR mp3

Or stream it

Edit: I re-did this episode today, and now you can download and stream it at better quality, and I added a thing or two.

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