Its Not You, Its Me.

Its time for the Erstwhile Intruder to take a break; time for this old bear to retreat to a snowy den to hibernate for the rest of the winter. Except it will be the exact opposite of that. Replace "snowy den" with "sunny beach," and "hibernate" with "enjoy a sunny beach," and you've got a more clear picture.

But fear not listless listeners! There is a truckload of bonus material that will find its way to the website in a gradual "trickle down" like system. I will add and update just as often as I can, breathing continuous life into the EIRProject.  It will be just like old times!

A new poll to keep you satisfied! Vote early and vote often. Also, keep your eye on the Ever-Changing Picture, as it has a tendancy to change... every once in a while.

Post comments or you can say hi to the Erstwhile Intruder at

--Erstwhileus Intruderus Esquire 2007-03-03

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Erstwhile Intruder Radio Program Heavy Metal Spectacular

YES! The EIRPHMS is here. The HMS is my favorite EIRP so far, I can't stop listening to it, and its not even because I love the sound of my own voice! The mix of songs on this episode is perfect if the Erstwhile Intruder does say so himself. The Erstwhile Intruder can never decide between writing in first or third person, so I will just arbitrarily switch between the two, he said.

You may have noticed a change in style with the introductory ramblements. This is because, yes, the Erstwhile Intruder has written and read from a script for this episode. I wanted to give each metal band the credit they deserved since I knew I wasn't going to be speaking between songs. But don't worry, next episode will be chock full of akward pauses and senseless metaphors. I model my on-air style after my "podcasting" hero, Cecil "The Duke of Dead Air" Portesque from TMBG.COM

Also, as noted in the intro, Danzig appears, marking the first repeat artist in an EIRP, it could be argued that since the EIRPHMS is a special show, it doesn't technically count, but regardless, consider the floodgates open.

If you don't like Metal, I emplore you to listen to the EIRPHMS anyway, it will make you cool. It is designed so as not to alienate the casual listener, but it is also abrasive enough to satisfy even the most masochistic of ear drums. So, here's the goods:




Anonymous said...

Huh, We want to see more and know more of the Erstwhile Intruder......what does he like to do in his spare time? Does he have a job? What is his shoe size? Does he have a significant other? Does he like to bust a move? Is his show improv, semi-scripted or simply reading off a prompter?

Drop the knowledge! Hmmmmmm?

Erstwhile Intruder said...

YO. Cool. I'm psyched that someone outside of my tight circle of people that I force to listen to this show has somehow stumbled upon the fountain of EIRP (yes, pronounced erp).
To answer a few of your questions:
In his spare time EI stares at a computer screen for far too long, and waits patiently for 5:00 when he can watch the Simpsons followed by Arrested Development. EI is a DJ at a country music radio station... what do you think of that. The EIRP is usually all improv, with the exception of the Heavy Metal Spectacular, which, I assume, is what drew you here?
Stick around, tell your friends, make a request, be a guest, the EIRP is wholly interactive.

Oh, and the Erstwhile Intruder has been seen busting a move on an occasion, but would prefer to bust a nut on a caucasian. (AAHAH shit, I couldn't resist)