Its Not You, Its Me.

Its time for the Erstwhile Intruder to take a break; time for this old bear to retreat to a snowy den to hibernate for the rest of the winter. Except it will be the exact opposite of that. Replace "snowy den" with "sunny beach," and "hibernate" with "enjoy a sunny beach," and you've got a more clear picture.

But fear not listless listeners! There is a truckload of bonus material that will find its way to the website in a gradual "trickle down" like system. I will add and update just as often as I can, breathing continuous life into the EIRProject.  It will be just like old times!

A new poll to keep you satisfied! Vote early and vote often. Also, keep your eye on the Ever-Changing Picture, as it has a tendancy to change... every once in a while.

Post comments or you can say hi to the Erstwhile Intruder at

--Erstwhileus Intruderus Esquire 2007-03-03

Saturday, December 30, 2006

EIRP 04! New Background Music! Exclaim!

We have an all Hip-Hop show this week on the Erstwhile Intruder Radio Program. Also new background music, that I spent hours making with Reason. It doesn't sound like I spent hours on it, but maybe minutes. This show was recorded a few days ago but I was too lazy to edit it and post it until today. Don't worry the all Hip-Hop show will be countered by an all rock show next time.

Meanwhile, the contest is rolling along, but I want more entries. MORE! Seriously there are so many bad songs out there, you can post 5, or even 6! I even posted one, but no one appreciated that very much. The Killers are the worst band out there. I wish Jack White would beat the shit out of the lead singer, as he has a tendancy to do.

Download VBR MP3

Stream from

Monday, December 25, 2006

Erstwhile Intruder Radio Program 03

It's a Christmas special! With all Christmas music! The EIRP 03 is money. It is in stereo. And it is ready for you. The Erstwhile Intruder has had a lot of feedback regarding guests on the show. If you don't live in the immediate vicinity of the Erstwhile Intruder, you can still be a guest thanks to the fantastic innovations of: Phone!

The contest, on the other hand, is going slow. Stop being lazy. If you've only posted once, you're lazy. If you post as 'anonymous' you're lazy. If you can't think of at least one choice for "worst song ever recorded," then... I don't know what to do with you.

Download me (VBR mp3)

Stream me (thanks archive)

Thursday, December 21, 2006


The Erstwhile Intruder thought of a great idea for a contest.  Everyone should post their suggestion for worst song ever recorded, and after there are enough entries, I will create a poll with the top 5 worst selections, and everyone can vote on the absolute worst.  The runner up and winner will be featured on an upcoming episode of the EIRP.  So I'm running a test poll to figure out how to make poll happen on the website.  Even if the test poll recieves an overwhelming vote of No, I'm still going to make the contest. Jerk.

Ok, So to clarify (for some) click the little "comments" link directly below this post, and write in a tune that makes you fruoown...

The poll will not be posted until I have a ton of comments/entries, so start posting. You may post multiple times, and the winner gets a prize!

EDIT 01/16: Game over losers! All you lame ducks missed out on the nomination process. But its ok, you can make up for your inherent laziness by voting! Up top hombre.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Erstwhile Intruder Radio Program 01

EIRP 01 is here! Finally. These things always seem to take about 3 times longer than I anticipate, but EI got it goin' on. In beautiful STEREO no less! Hence the larger file size. Although not much larger I've noticed, pleasantly. Anyway, here's more of the high quality sound and content you've come to expect from the Erstwhile Intruder. If you want to request something, post a message; or maybe you'd like to appear on the EIRP. Scheduled guests for upcoming EIRP releases included the Junior Intruder, and possibly a phone interview from Analog Edition. Remember, the Erstwhile Intruder loves almost every one of you.

Download the killer VBR mp3

Or, if you like STREAM IT!

EDIT: Some people have had trouble downloading from the former. If you click and can't download, try right click, and 'save target as.' If you still have trouble, let me know.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Erstwhile Intruder Radio Program 02 is here!

After three hours trying to figure this out at work and not getting paid, I finally arrived upon a solution to my problems. Some of them anyway. So here we are with the second installment of the Erstwhile Intruder Radio Program. EIRP for short.

Right now my biggest problem is, I can't transfer the original 30 minute WAV from my work computer to my home computer. If anyone has an FTP site they'd let me use, that would be fantastic. The original WAV is something like 300MB. Also the work computer has a crappy MP3 encoder, so unfortunately the first program is encoded in 96kbps. If I could get the WAV home, I could incode it to any bitrate you fancy. Also, I am aware of the confusing implications of naming the first recorded program, "Program 02," but it will make more sense when you hear the intended "Program 01"

Download VBR mp3

Or stream it

Edit: I re-did this episode today, and now you can download and stream it at better quality, and I added a thing or two.

Friday, December 15, 2006


The Erstwhile Intruder strives to bring you great music in easy to swallow gel tabs. The first two shows have already been tracked, but not yet recorded. Soon, (hopefully tomorrow), I will have them ready to go for the download. Soon, very soon.